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Managing waste in residences

Social landlords and property managers: all the tools you need to manage waste in residences.

Ordering bins

Do you need bins for the garbage rooms in one of your residences? Request one using the form below.

For requests for new bins following a theft, it is compulsory to attach your receipt of the theft declaration made to the gendarmerie or national police.

Collection of bins and bulky items

Collection days and frequencies:


For all collection and cleaning reports, go to "My procedures"

Residential composters

Conditions for equipping residences with composters:

  • The residence must have a green space, even if limited
  • A minimum of one to three volunteer residents must be identified to become site referents and manage the equipment
  • Require authorization from the General Assembly

Elements made available by the Metropole of Montpellier :

Support from the Metropole of Montpellier:

  • A dedicated agent for its installation (choice of location and delivery of composters) and animation during this installation (meeting with referents and residents, explanations of operation...)
  • A follow-up of the site after its installation for its proper operation
  • One free day of training (certified by ADEME) for referents and your maintenance teams, and other more qualified training courses if desired
  • On-site diagnostics of your residences' garbage rooms, awareness-raising actions carried out by our eco-messagers brigade, etc. To take advantage of these, contact our team:
  • Rigid signs to fix in your garbage can spaces, stickers for the bins, sorting guides and memos for your residents... All these elements can be downloaded opposite.

Contacts and useful links

For all reports, bin requests, collection information: Allo Déchets 0 800 88 11 77 Monday to Friday 8:30am to 12:30pm and 1:30pm to 5pm (free call from a landline).

Discover also

Waste: my procedures

Whether you're moving in, needing a bin that's out of service or needing a larger capacity bin (family of 4 or more), you can make your request by telephone on 0 800 88 11 77 or online via our single form:

Déchèteries/ points propreté

Les points propreté sont des déchèteries aménagées et gardiennées où l'on peut se débarrasser de toutes sortes de déchets. La carte Pass Métropole est indispensable pour accéder aux points propreté.

I sort my waste and resources

Everything you need to know about sorting biowaste, packaging and paper, glass, household waste, bulky items, textiles and special waste.