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Drawing up a Risk and Pollution Report (ERP)

Risk and pollution assessment (ERP)

L'Etat des Risques et des Pollutions (ERP) de biens immobiliers est une obligation en vertu de l'article L125-5 du code de l'environnement.

L'acquéreur ou le locataire peut ainsi prendre des mesures pour sauvegarder son bien et sa propre sécurité.

When selling or renting a property, if the commune is concerned, the seller or lessor is obliged to draw up a statement of risks.

In areas particularly exposed to forest and vegetation fires, landowners are subject to an obligation to clear their land of undergrowth and maintain it in a cleared state.

Since January 1, 2025, buyers and tenants of real estate located in a zone subject to this obligation will have to be informed at every stage of the sale or rental, starting with the real estate ad.


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