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Help to buy or repair my bike

In order to encourage alternative mobility to the use of the individual car and to achieve the ecological and inclusive transition, Montpellier Méditerranée Métropole has set up schemes to help individuals and professionals purchase or repair electrically-assisted bicycles. Find out more about all existing schemes.

Need information?

A hotline is available on 04 99 54 76 76:

  • From September 1 to June 30: Monday to Friday, 8:30am to 5pm3
  • From July 1 to August 31: Monday to Friday, 8:30am to 12pm and 2pm to 5:30pm

1,000€ subsidy for the purchase of a new electrically-assisted cargo bike for professionals

As part of its policy in favor of alternative mobility to the use of individual cars, Montpellier Méditerranée Métropole has decided to grant a subsidy of €1,000.

What type of purchase?

  • a new electrically-assisted bicycle (VAE) of the cargo or scooter type
  • equipment linked to its use (helmet, anti-theft device, lighting device, reflective clothing)

For whom?

Professionals working on the territory of Montpellier Méditerranée Métropole who acquire it.

This subsidy is set at a maximum of €1,000 up to 50% of the acquisition price, with no means-testing and no time limit from July 1, 2021 to December 31, 2024.

What are the conditions?

  • Be a professional working on the territory of Montpellier Méditerranée Métropole
  • Be over 18 years of age
  • Make the purchase in a Montpellier Métropole business
  • Present a copy of an employment contract of at least 1 year's duration (including the applicant's first and last name) OR
  • Present a KBis extract from the establishment (identified with the applicant's first and last name, in the case of a company manager/self-employed entrepreneur),

These documents must include an address for business activity of the establishment located on the territory of the Metropole and dated prior to the purchase of the new cargo or scooter type VAE.

Each individual applicant will be eligible for only one subsidy for the purchase of a new cargo or scooter type VAE.

500€ towards the purchase of an adapted electrically-assisted bicycle

In order to join forces with the Department's policies to promote "Mobility for All", a 500€ grant for disabled people who have benefited from the "Hérault Handi-vélo voucher", which provides assistance with the purchase of a new or used adapted VAE or electric third-wheel device, is being offered. This assistance has been in force since June 12, 2023 and will last until December 31, 2026.

What conditions?

  • The assistance excludes people who have benefited from one of the schemes already set up by the Metropole.
  • The assistance applies outside the metropolitan territory, unlike the regulations for other schemes which target a purchase made exclusively in stores located in the metropole.

How to qualify for assistance?

To make it easier for users to submit their applications, the Metropole's services are based on the instruction carried out by the services of the Département, the lead department for disability and social inclusion (the Metropole relies essentially on the attestation of payment of the départemental handi-vélo voucher, as well as the attestation of accommodation).

200€ towards the purchase of a second-hand electrically-assisted bicycle or electrification kit

A subsidy of up to €200, with no means-testing, will be paid to all residents of the Metropole over the age of 18 who acquire a second-hand electrically assisted bicycle (VAE) from February 1, 2021 or purchase an electrification kit from July 29, 2021 in a store in the Metropole until December 31, 2026.

What are the conditions?

  • Be over 18 or have a legal representative for those over 16.
  • Commit to not reselling the bike for 3 years.
  • The bike must be purchased after February 1, 2021 (invoice as proof).
  • Purchase of the electrification kit must be after July 28, 2021 (invoice as proof)
  • Purchase must be made in a business in the Metropole of Montpellier.Purchases on the internet will not be taken into account.

The amount of the subsidy is a maximum of €200, up to 50% of the purchase value of the used bike or electrification kit.
This scheme can be combined with other existing aid subject to conditions: scheme from the State, the Occitanie Region and the Conseil Départemental de l'Hérault.

30€ to help repair a bicycle

Help has been issued since February 1, 2022 to repair one's bicycle. This aid is available to residents of Montpellier Méditerranée Métropole, without means testing. The scheme is valid until December 31, 2026.

The amount is set at a maximum of 50% of the cost of repairing your bike in a store in the Metropole (capped at €30).

To take advantage of the aid, contact your bike shop directly. There is no need to apply to the Métropole.

Government and local authority grants

Some grants can be combined with grants from other local authorities (Région Occitanie, Département de l'Hérault) and the French government.

In view of the deadlines involved, we advise you to wait until your grant has been received by a local authority (Métropole, Département or Région) before submitting your application.

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