Temps de lecture : 2 minutes
Located on a 12,000 m² plot, the Poséidon swimming pool is the first facility to be built at the entrance to the future sports and leisure facilities zone in Cournonterral. It opened its doors on December 6, 2010.
The Poséidon pool includes:
- Sports pool measuring 25x15m, i.e. 375 m², directly accessible from the foot bath exit,
- Learning and leisure pool with bubbling benches, offering users of all ages moments of relaxation and conviviality, Wading pool, placed in the southern part, quietly away from traffic, and designed to be child-friendly and protective,
- Summer-season patio solarium, intimate and well-protected, open onto the outdoor areas, which include beaches and a water playground,
- Separate male/female changing rooms and 4 collective changing rooms for schoolchildren,
- Parking for 120 cars.
- The pools are evacuated 20 min before closing time, 30 min in case of heavy use.
- Ticket sales end 15 min before the pools are evacuated.
- Please bring a €0.50 coin for your changing room.
- Lessons last 45 min
- Registration per session
- Limited number of places
Online registration and subscriptions
Manage your access, membership and activity bookings at the network's 14 pools.
Swimming certificate: make an appointment and bring the person's ID with you (free test, paid admission).
- Swimming caps compulsory for all.For small children, prefer fabric caps, which are more comfortable to wear.
- For men: only swim trunks and boxer shorts are allowed (swimwear such as shorts or swimming trunks is forbidden).
- For women: only classic one- or two-piece swimsuits are allowed.Sarongs and any other clothing are forbidden.
- Baby diapers: the use of diapers is forbidden when swimming for proven hygiene reasons.
Tarif normal
Tarif Pass Métropole
Tarifs réduits*
Adultes : 1 entrée : 5,10€ ; 10 entrées : 32,80€
Adultes 1 entrée : 2,90€ ; 10 entrées : 21,60€
1 entrée adulte : 4,30€ ; Pass Métropole : 2,40€
Abonnement trimestriel adultes : 43,50€
Abonnement trimestriel adultes : 29,90€
10 entrées enfant : 27,40€ ; Pass Métropole : 18,60€
Enfants (0-3 ans inclus) : gratuit
Enfants (0-3 ans inclus) : gratuit
Abonnement trimestriel adulte : 29,80€ ; Pass Metropole : 20,10€
Enfants (4-18 ans) : 1 entrée : 3,60€ ; 10 entrées : 27,40€
Enfants (4-18 ans) 1 entrée : 2,40€ ; 10 entrées : 18,60€
Comité d'entreprise 10 entrées : 25,90€
Abonnement trimestriel enfants : 29,80€
Abonnement trimestriel enfants : 20,10€
Forfait famille (2 adultes + 2 enfants) : 12,40€
Forfait famille (2 adultes + 2 enfants) : 8,10€
Tarif famille nombreuse (2 adultes + 3 enfants à partir de 4 ans) : 15,50€
Tarif famille nombreuse (2 adultes + 3 enfants à partir de 4 ans) : 10,20€
Aquagym, aquaforme, aquafitness, aquagym cardio : 8€
Aquagym, aquaforme, aquafitness, aquagym cardio : 7€
Aquagym, aquaforme, aquafitness, aquagym cardio : 5€ ; Pass Métropole : 4,50€
Aquabike : 10€
Aquabike : 7,50€
Aquabike : 6€ ; Pass Métropole : 5€