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Digital for all

Many people are still far removed from the digital world, which is why the Metropole, the City and the CCAS have recruited 12 "France Services" digital advisors to support residents in their daily digital activities throughout the region.
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Digital advisor missions

"France Services" digital advisors are at your service to help you free of charge, in individual sessions or group workshops, meet your needs and requests, and use the various digital media: computers, smartphones, tablets, telephones...

Their role is to help you carry out your administrative procedures online, for example:

  • Filing with organizations (CAF, CPAM, TaM, ACM, Pôle emploi.....),
  • Tax returns,
  • Following up your child's schooling,
  • Doctor's appointments,
  • Online shopping,
  • Creating an e-mail address/password,
  • Installing and configuring an application,
  • Chatting with relatives, etc.

They also make you aware of data protection and information verification.

Call on our digital advisors

Digital advisors are stationed at several key facilities in the area:

Call 06 10 34 94 85 to be directed to the France services digital advisor nearest you.

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