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Fountains of Montpellier

The city of fountains

The first inhabitants of our city chose the proximity of two watercourses to settle: the Lez and its tributary, the Verdanson.

The overall concept of a genuine water distribution system in Montpellier was to involve the beautification of the city. After the completion of the Place Royale du Peyrou and the l'aqueduc Saint-Clément, which culminated in a veritable "Temple des eaux" on the new square.

Water was again made sacred. At the end of the 18th century, 3 monumental fountains on the main squares completed the urban equipment. After being associated with hygiene and health at the start of the industrial revolution, water is now synonymous with pleasure and quality of life, and thus plays a full part in the liveliness of a city's neighborhoods.

In a park or in the city center, with or without a basin, ornamental or not, fountains are plentiful in Montpellier. Discover their secrets, their stories and their locations to find them throughout Montpellier.

Fountain map

Liste des fontaines

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