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Weather watch

Temps de lecture : 1 minute

Episode in progress


Risque en cours

Rain and flood risk

The risk of flooding in Montpellier is a recurring phenomenon. Find out how to protect yourself during periods of heavy rain.

Stay informed:

City of Montpellier social networks

Prefecture and state services

Préfecture de l'Héraut

Weather situation

Public transport

Traffic on major roads

Declaring a natural disaster

I'm making my declaration

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Major risks

All resilient in the face of major risks and threats! Like most cities in France, Montpellier can be subject to a number of major risks: flooding, forest fires, heatwaves and the transport of hazardous materials......
Risques majeurs : inscrivez-vous à la téléalerte

Information and warning systems

The purpose of the weather alert map is to warn the population and public authorities of the risk of dangerous weather phenomena over the next 24 hours. The map is updated twice a day at 6am and 4pm. In the event of...

Emergency numbers

Fire department, SAMU, Poison Control Center... knowing the emergency numbers is essential to help the injured. Need to listen? Witnessing child abuse? The toll-free numbers for listening and prevention are listed below, along with...