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Risk of storms and high winds

Storms bring heavy rainfall, thunderstorms and strong winds that can exceed 89 km/h to Montpellier. The formation of tornadoes is also possible on the territory.

Adopt the right reflexes

Risque vent violent : adoptez les bons réflexes


  • Inform yourself about risks, instructions and warning means
  • Prepare the minimum equipment (battery-powered radio, drinking water reserve, personal papers, medicines, ...)


  • Range or secure objects sensitive to wind.
  • Do not approach trees and downed lines.
  • Stay at home or avoid all travel.
  • If the phenomenon is also accompanied by heavy rain, consult the instructions on the rain-flood risk page.
  • Inform yourself of the situation and instructions via the radio (France Bleu Hérault: 100.6 or 101.1 FM)

If you have to travel

  • Be very careful. In particular, respect any detour that have been put in place.
  • Under no circumstances, on foot or by car, enter a submerged lane.
  • Signal your departure and destination to those close to you, to protect your integrity and your immediate surroundings.
  • Provide emergency lighting and stock up on drinking water.
  • Ease the work of rescuers who suggest an evacuation and pay close attention to their advice.


  • Alert the authorities of any danger (18 or 112).

Concerning your premises

  • Only return to your home if conditions are favorable.
  • If you smell gas, get out and then call the fire department (18)
  • Make an inventory of your damage and prepare your insurance files

The risk of storms in Montpellier

Due to their multiple effects and the often extensive geographical areas affected, the consequences of storms are frequently significant for people, property and the environment:

  • High rainfall expected with localized flooding disrupting activities
  • Destruction or damage to buildings, transport infrastructure, networks (power and telephone cuts over a long period)
  • Victims
  • Falling trees...

Preventive and protective measures

Impotent in the face of the occurrence of the phenomenon, Man can prevent its effects through constructive measures and by informing the population.

Meteorological vigilance

A meteorological vigilance map is drawn up twice a day (6am and 4pm) to warn the population and public authorities of a risk of dangerous meteorological phenomena within the next 24 hours. The media relay the information as soon as the orange and red vigilance levels are reached.

In the event of orange and red vigilance, emergency numbers are activated 24 hours a day: 32 50 or 08 92 68 02 04

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