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Information and warning systems

Sign up for TeleAlert

Risques majeurs : inscrivez-vous à la téléalerte

The purpose of telealert is to alert you to known major problems. Register free of charge and receive an alert on your phone in the event of a major risk near you.

Registration, valid for 1 year, is only possible for residents, businesses, workers and people passing through (tourists, students...) whose address or geo-positioning (on a map) is within the commune's perimeter.

FR-Alert device

FR-Alert is the French population alert and information system. Deployed nationwide since the end of June 2022, FR-Alert enables anyone with a cell phone to be alerted in real time of their presence in a danger zone, in order to inform them of the behaviors they should adopt to protect themselves.

This tool complements existing alert systems.

Departmental weather watch

The purpose of the meteorological vigilance map is to warn the population and public authorities of a risk of dangerous weather phenomena in the next 24 hours. The map is updated twice a day at 6 a.m. and 4 p.m.

In the event of a high-intensity hazardous event, the area concerned appears in orange. In the event of very dangerous phenomena of exceptional intensity, the area concerned appears in red. The media relay the information as soon as the orange and red vigilance levels are reached.

The phenomena are specified using pictograms. Vigilance covers 9 phenomena:

Other tools :

The SAIP (Système d'Alerte et d'Information des Populations) sirens

The City of Montpellier has 17 national SAIP sirens whose purpose is to alert the population in the event of immediate danger (threat, aggression, disaster or catastrophe).

Since November 7, 2018, monthly tests have been carried out every first Wednesday of the month at 12:15 in the South of France zone.

Reflexes to adopt in the event of activation of the SAIP:

  • Join a closed room without delay, preferably without windows
  • Close and caulk doors, windows and ventilation. Keep away from them!
  • Inform yourself of the evolution of the situation
  • Respect the instructions of the authorities
  • Don't telephone, free the lines for the emergency services
  • Don't go to pick up your children from school to avoid exposing them
  • No flames or sparks.

Alert signal:

Rising and falling signal of 3 successive cycles lasting 1 minute and 41 seconds each and separated by an interval of 5 seconds to signal a danger.

End-of-alert signal:

Continuous signal lasting 30 seconds once the danger has passed.

Mobile Alert Units (EMA)

Ensembles Mobiles d'Alerte (EMA) are loudspeaker-type devices with sirens used to broadcast voice alert messages.

Municipal police circulate with EMA-equipped vehicles following a pre-established itinerary. This warning system enables all citizens in a large geographical area to be alerted quickly.

Beware of false information

We all have a share of responsibility in combating the fakes news, intox, rumors... that circulate on the internet and social networks.

  • Evaluate the quality and relevance of the information. If in doubt, don't share it. Questions to ask: Who is the author? What are their objectives? Is the information published elsewhere? Are there any inconsistencies? What do users' comments say? When were the facts reported? Is the image retouched or does it fit the context? ...
  • In the event of a major event, the City of Montpellier contributes to the management of Social Media in Emergency Management (MSGU) to re-establish the truth.
  • Diffusing false information is punishable by law.

Discover also

Major risks

All resilient in the face of major risks and threats! Like most cities in France, Montpellier can be subject to a number of major risks: flooding, forest fires, heatwaves and the transport of hazardous materials......

Know your home, school and workplace safety plans

There are many situations in which you may need to take cover to protect yourself from danger.

Police municipale

Montpellier's municipal police force has 183 officers at the service of its residents. It has 20 vehicles, 9 motorcycles, 20 scooters, 53 mountain bikes and a mobile command post.