Meal baskets on a budget
Le Centre d'Expérimentations et d'Innovation Sociale du CCAS de Montpellier provides access to fruit and vegetable baskets for people in precarious situations. Produced by Les Jardins de Cocagne for €1 or €2, the baskets are purchased by the CCAS for between €15 and €25.
This action is a lever for identifying other social problems and enabling people to gain long-term access to healthy food.
The CCAS is also a source of support for people in precarious situations, helping them to find sustainable, high-quality food.This action is a lever for identifying other social problems and enabling people to find sustainable, high-quality food.
Social grocery stores
Presented as a classic local shop, the social and solidarity grocery store enables a public in economic difficulty, referred by a social worker, to do their shopping and choose the products they wish to consume, offering quality foodstuffs at between 10% and 30% of their market value.
These solidarity grocery stores are part of the "Aller vers" mission.
4 solidarity grocery stores in Montpellier
- L'épicerie Saint-Vincent-de-Paul
- L'épicerie sociale et solidaire EPSO
- L'épicerie solidaire du Secours Catholique
- L'Esperluette social grocery store: this store is only for residents of the Celleneuve district and does not require referral by a social worker, unlike the other grocery stores.
Territoires à Vivres - Common food bank

Since 2021, the Metropole and the City of Montpellier have been part of the Territoires à Vivres collective. This collective, made up of over 25 partners (associations, research, institutions, citizens), is experimenting with new cooperative ventures to develop shared local food systems: more sustainable, more supportive and more democratic.
This experiment results in the establishment of a common food box.
Together for food justice
Observatoire des Solidarités alimentaires dans l'Hérault and index of presumption of food insecurity
Food insecurity is measured by the number of food aid recipients. But there is a limit to this data: part of the food insecure population does not use these services. The Observatoire des Solidarités alimentaires dans l'Hérault (Obsoalim34) aims to identify territories where the risk of food insecurity is greatest.
The Chaire Unesco Alimentations du monde and the Fédération des Acteurs de la Solidarité in partnership with INRAE (UMR Innovation), the Basic, the Conseil Départemental de l'Hérault and the Métropole are thus working on the development of a food vulnerability index.