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Housing assistance for students

Are you under 30 and looking for accommodation in Montpellier? Whatever your situation, there are a number of organizations and schemes that can help you.
Temps de lecture : 6 minutes

Where to find accommodation in Montpellier

You're in training, an internship, looking for a job or a student and you're looking for accommodation: whatever your situation, the Youth Department can provide you with information and support at the Espace Montpellier Jeunesse.

Le Crous offers a complete range of university accommodation, as well as support and assistance for students looking for accommodation. You can also find housing offers from private individuals on its Lokaviz website.

Please note: Lokaviz services can act as guarantors and make the security deposit for students under certain conditions (dispositif clé).

La Boutique Logement Jeunes is a service of the Association d'Habitat Jeunes Montpellier. Are you between 18 and 30 years old and looking for accommodation? The Boutique Logement Jeunes offers you a number of free services: housing offers, information resources, Internet access, and calculation of your entitlement to housing assistance. You can also contact the owners to make an appointment for your visits.

The Habitats Jeunes residences:

  • The Résidence François-Villon in the north of Montpellier welcomes young working people (furnished accommodation)
  • The Résidence les Iris Bleus welcomes young working people and single-parent families.
  • The Résidence Castellane welcomes young working people and students right in the center of Montpellier. Apartments from T1 to T1 bis to furnished studio.
  • The Résidence Ode à la Jeunesse-Habitat Jeunes welcomes young working people in Pérols.
  • The Résidence Occitanie Habitat Jeunes welcomes young working people in the heart of the Hôpitaux-Facultés district.
  • L'ADIL de l'Hérault (Association départementale d'information logement)

At its housing information center in Montpellier (4, bis rue Rondelet), and at its offices throughout the department, ADIL offers residents comprehensive, neutral and free information on all legal, financial and tax aspects of housing.

The Crij's main mission is to welcome and inform young people in a wide range of fields, including housing.

The CAF enables students to carry out all their formalities: simulating entitlement, applying for housing assistance online, monitoring the processing of the file, etc.

Special accommodations and tips

Alongside the "classic" solutions for finding accommodation (private individuals, estate agents or student housing), you can also turn to other types of accommodation. Solutions that can be interesting financially or for sharing and exchange.

Are you a student or teacher-researcher? Are you passing through Montpellier? The Crous de Montpellier offers a choice of accommodation at specially adapted prices (€21.50 per night) on its Bed and Crous platform.

Home-stay accommodation is ideal for short stays, as it consists of a furnished room in the owner's home. An economical, friendly formula with all-inclusive rent and eligibility for subsidies.

A compromise between an apartment and a hotel, their accommodation is furnished and equipped. A reception desk is available year-round to answer your housekeeping questions.

Depending on the residence, various services are offered (janitor, parking, laundry, gym, internet, swimming pool, bike room...).

It provides information on the best addresses for small, inexpensive hotels in Montpellier.

MA1SON is a scheme providing easier access to social housing in partner residences.

It provides students with a place of socialization, learning and commitment designed to promote their academic success, civic responsibility and professional integration, by encouraging young people to get involved in projects with local impact.

In Montpellier, the program has set up 1 rue Bourrely, in the Le Clémenceau residence, and offers two types of accommodation: shared and individual, for rents ranging from €500 to €530 per month, eligible for APL.

Student flat-sharing in nursing homes

The Centre Communal d'Action Sociale (CCAS) de Montpellier offers student colocations in municipal EHPADs.

15 students live in the residences:

  • Michel Bélorgeot,
  • Françoise Gauffier,
  • Les Aubes,
  • Simone Gillet Demangel.

The shared apartments, ranging in size from 71 to 115m², are renovated and partially furnished former company housing.

In exchange for a moderate rent starting at €180/month (all charges included, excluding APL), the students offer a minimum of 3 hours of voluntary activities to the residents.

They set up activities according to their availability and talents, particularly at weekends or in the late afternoon. The schedule is discussed in advance with the EHPAD professional team.

The lease lasts for one academic year, with the possibility of renewal. The lease expires a maximum of three years after the date of entry, all renewals included.


Intergenerational encounters

Through this scheme, the CCAS affirms its desire to open up EHPADs to their neighborhoods and make them very active intergenerational venues. The project has a number of objectives: to change the way people look at life in EHPAD, to combat precariousness and isolation, and to strengthen social ties to live better together, be better together and do better together.

New housemates can share convivial moments with residents, but also discover life and the different professions working in these structures. For the residents, it's an opportunity to pass on their experience and benefit from the vitality and dynamism of the younger generation.

This approach is fully in line with the philosophy of Article 6 of the Charter of Rights and Freedoms of the Elderly Person with a Disability or Dependency: "Any elderly person with a disability or dependency must be encouraged to maintain activities."

The roommate can, for example, take part in a board game, read the newspaper, accompany a resident for a walk, and so on.

Community living rules

Students welcomed into the shared apartments are volunteers and motivated by the project on offer. There can be no relationship of subordination, in the sense of employment law, between the host structure and the student. Respect for the EHPAD staff and their work, the premises, the residents, the equipment and the environment is required of all.

As an accessory, the tenant may share meal times with the residents at the EHPAD restaurant for a fixed price of €5 per menu, by registering with the establishment in advance.


Temporary and emergency accommodation

Searching for an emergency accommodation solution is done by phoning 115 (toll-free number, free of charge).

In case of need for temporary emergency accommodation many places can welcome and inform you in Montpellier.

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