Parent-run, community and private crèches
Parental, community or private daycare centers: how do you choose the type of childcare best suited to your needs? What are the differences in terms of management, pedagogical project and cost? To help you make your choice, the City of Montpellier has compiled the list of establishments below.
The parents' crèche
Parents are directly involved in the management of the crèche. They participate in administrative tasks, the organization of activities and the upkeep of the premises.
The pedagogical project is drawn up collectively by parents and early childhood professionals.
In terms of cost, a parent-run crèche is generally less expensive than a private crèche, as parents make an in-kind contribution (working time).
The community crèche
It's run by an association under the law of 1901. Associative crèches often have a well-defined pedagogical project, which may focus on a particular pedagogy (Montessori, Freinet, etc.).
Funding is varied, and is provided by parent contributions, public subsidies and donations.
Parental and association crèches are subsidized by the City of Montpellier and agreed as part of the Childhood Contract signed between the City and the Caisse d'allocations familiales.
For all applications to a parental, association or private crèche, pre-registration is made directly with the structure.
The private crèche
They enjoy a great deal of freedom in defining their pedagogical project, and often emphasize the quality of the services offered (qualified staff, modern equipment), but they are generally more expensive than other types of crèches.They are subject to the same regulations and safety standards as municipal crèches.
For all applications to a parent, association or private crèche, pre-registration is carried out directly with the structure.