Charging my electric or hybrid vehicle
As part of its Mobilités 2025 strategy, the Metropole of Montpellier is steadily increasing the number of energy transition actions applied to mobility (tramway, bus, bike, carsharing, carpooling, ...). The Metropole supports the virtuous uses of the car: free and remunerative carpooling, carsharing, but also recharging of electric vehicles.
e-Totem* supports the Metropole in setting up good recharging facilities for hybrid and electric vehicles throughout its territory
*French player currently based in Saint-Etienne, has expertise and mastery of the entire production chain. By offering its own charging stations, e-Totem has the technological expertise to propose highly innovative solutions in terms of routes and pricing.
600 charge points throughout France
127 additional charge points will be deployed on an "on-demand" model and equipped with infrastructure delivered in a second phase (such as the Girac and Gennevaux interchanges developed as part of the Tramway Line 5, by the second half of 2025).
Map of existing and future terminals
Are you a metropolitan area resident?
Enjoy a free service and benefit from preferential rates with your Pass gratuité supplemented by the Option mobilité (available free of charge on request via the M'Ticket app and the online shop).
- Free : 1 charge in Eco mode on small e-City charging stations (up to 3.7 kW) / day
- Preferential rates on 2 types of charging station and all charging powers

You don't live in the metropolitan area?
Use the charging stations:
- With the M'Ticket TaM app and the Mobility Option (available free of charge on request via the M'Ticket app and the online shop
- With your bank card and all compatible cards, directly at the charging stations.

e-City station

The e-City stations (3 to 22kW per charge point) are located in city centers for urban use, P+Tram parking lots and within communes (residential use in the absence of private parking).
e-Fast station

The e-Fast stations (60 to 180kW per charging point) are located mainly on the outskirts or close to generating hubs (major roads/business parks).
All e-Fast stations also include a small e-City charging station, offering free recharging for holders of a Pass gratuité + Option mobilité.
Free refill
As part of the mobility strategy being pursued by the Metropole, e-Totem is offering free charging once a day on its fleet of e-City charging stations in eco mode for Metropolitans holding a free Pass gratuité + free Mobility Option.
In addition, holders of a Pass gratuité + Mobility Option will benefit from preferential rates on all types of charging.
In Montpellier's paid parking perimeter, the LAPI voirie system controls vehicles using spaces equipped with Electric Vehicle Charging Infrastructure (IRVE).
A specific pricing system has been set up:
- Free parking will be granted during charging time on spaces equipped with charging stations. Charging time is defined as the period during which energy is transferred between the charging station and the vehicle. Energy transfer will be controlled by interrogating the electricity distribution system;
- Outside the charging time, users will be charged for parking according to the price in force in the tariff zone (short term, medium term, long term);
- Users benefiting from a subscription formula (residents / employees / etc.), a flat rate (craftsmen / home help / healthcare professionals / etc.), or an exemption from parking charges.), or an exemption for public service reasons, are authorized to park in spaces served by a recharging device solely for the purpose of electric recharging. Outside the energy transfer period, these users are subject to the applicable hourly rate.
In communes that have not regulated the occupation of parking spaces when recharging electric vehicles, two cases of are subject to offenses:
- A thermal vehicle is parked on the space,
- An electric vehicle is parked on the space but does not recharge (is not plugged in).
These two offenses are provided for and punished by the same article of the Highway Code. The title of the offence is "Obtrusive parking of a vehicle in front of a device for recharging electric vehicles." The fines and penalties incurred are a €35 fine and impoundment of the vehicle.
E-totem afterload pricing
For the occupation of an e-Totem space in postcharge, i.e. when a vehicle remains plugged in beyond the 10-minute franchise after the end of its car's charge, a specific tariff is triggered: €1 every 15 minutes for e-City charging stations and €3 every 15 minutes for e-Fast charging stations.
Furthermore, when a charging session is launched at night, the post-charging rate is capped at €2 between 8pm and 8am, and the daytime post-charging rate, between 8am and 8pm, is capped at €100.
These arrangements have been put in place to encourage a better rate of rotation on the spaces dedicated to charging stations and thus avoid "sump" cars.
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