The Françoise et Yves Jarrousse pool, formerly named "La Motte Rouge/CSU", is a historic sports facility of the Ville de Montpellier built in 1965. Many Montpellier residents have used this pool, managed at the time by the University of Montpellier. MUC NATATION played a key role in introducing them to the sport of swimming.
Until 2013, when La Motte Rouge closed, Françoise and Yves JARROUSSE, highly committed members of the MUC Natation board, worked to develop swimming practices, encourage children's learning and enable the emergence of top-level swimmers in Montpellier.
Following the rehabilitation of this sports facility, the Metropole of Montpellier wished to honor their commitments to local sporting life by naming this establishment after them.
- The pools are evacuated 20 min before closing time, 30 min in case of heavy use.
- Ticket sales end 15 min before the pools are evacuated.
- Please bring a €0.50 coin for your changing room.
Online registration and subscriptions
Manage your access, membership and activity bookings at the network's 14 pools.
Lessons last 45 min. Registration per session. Limited number of places.
Children's swimming
Adult swimming
Swimming certificate : make an appointment and bring the person's ID (free test, paid admission).
- Swimming caps compulsory for all.For small children, prefer fabric caps, which are more comfortable to wear.
- For men: only swimming briefs and boxer shorts are allowed (swimwear such as shorts or swimming trunks is forbidden).
- For women: only classic one- or two-piece swimwear is allowed. Pareos and any other garments are forbidden.
- Baby diapers: the use of diapers is forbidden when swimming for proven hygiene reasons.
Tarif normal
Tarif Pass Métropole
Tarifs réduits*
Adultes : 1 entrée : 5,10€ ; 10 entrées : 32,80€
Adultes 1 entrée : 2,90€ ; 10 entrées : 21,60€
1 entrée adulte : 4,30€ ; Pass Métropole : 2,40€
Abonnement trimestriel adultes : 43,50€
Abonnement trimestriel adultes : 29,90€
10 entrées enfant : 27,40€ ; Pass Métropole : 18,60€
Enfants (0-3 ans inclus) : gratuit
Enfants (0-3 ans inclus) : gratuit
Abonnement trimestriel adulte : 29,80€ ; Pass Metropole : 20,10€
Enfants (4-18 ans) : 1 entrée : 3,60€ ; 10 entrées : 27,40€
Enfants (4-18 ans) 1 entrée : 2,40€ ; 10 entrées : 18,60€
Comité d'entreprise 10 entrées : 25,90€
Abonnement trimestriel enfants : 29,80€
Abonnement trimestriel enfants : 20,10€
Forfait famille (2 adultes + 2 enfants) : 12,40€
Forfait famille (2 adultes + 2 enfants) : 8,10€
Tarif famille nombreuse (2 adultes + 3 enfants à partir de 4 ans) : 15,50€
Tarif famille nombreuse (2 adultes + 3 enfants à partir de 4 ans) : 10,20€
Aquagym, aquaforme, aquafitness, aquagym cardio : 8€
Aquagym, aquaforme, aquafitness, aquagym cardio : 7€
Aquagym, aquaforme, aquafitness, aquagym cardio : 5€ ; Pass Métropole : 4,50€
Aquabike : 10€
Aquabike : 7,50€
Aquabike : 6€ ; Pass Métropole : 5€