The CCAS assists senior citizens with their administrative formalities and contributes, through its clubs de l'Âge d'Or, places for activities, sociability and prevention, to combat their isolation while preserving their autonomy.
Plan bien vieillir à Montpellier

At the city council meeting on July 18, 2023, the city of Montpellier approved the "Plan bien vieillir à Montpellier" which aims to guarantee a state of physical, mental and social well-being for the growing proportion of seniors living in Montpellier. The plan focuses on the following key priorities:
- Promoting an inclusive policy
- Enabling active ageing
- Fighting ageism and promoting non-discrimination
- Enabling access to information in the face of the digital divide
- Fighting isolation
- Fostering a caring environment that accompanies loss of autonomy
Helping seniors with administrative formalities
At the CCAS, the Point Information et Orientation Seniors team welcomes seniors in person or by telephone. Pensions, health cover, home maintenance and home improvements, financial aid, transport cards... The team informs them about their rights.
If people need support, they are referred to a CCAS social worker who will help them with their administrative formalities. The territory's 12 digital advisors can also be contacted.
Register of vulnerable persons
The CCAS has a census and watchdog role for the elderly or disabled who have registered on the communal register of vulnerable people, in particular as part of the national alert and emergency plan for exceptional health events (heatwave, etc.).)
On a voluntary basis, this approach enables targeted and rapid intervention by social and health services when an emergency alert is triggered by the prefecture.
How does it work?
People are contacted as soon as possible by the CCAS or volunteers from the citizens' reserve. This enables us to better identify their needs so that we can provide help and reassurance, while dispensing some basic advice.
These daily calls are also an opportunity to forge links and check in. In the event of no response, CCAS staff contact the person of trust declared on the register.
Golden Age Clubs
Cultural and sporting outings, artistic workshops or adapted physical and bodily activities... Many diverse and varied activities are offered to members of the Golden Age Clubs managed by the CCAS.
The clubs develop preventive health activities that contribute to ageing well: gentle gymnastics, aquagym, yoga, memory workshops and more. Some activities are free, others require a token participation fee.
Home accompaniment
Service Autonomie à Domicile (SAD)
Montpellier's CCAS offers a Service Autonomie à Domicile (SAD) for frail people wishing to remain at home, combining care and personal assistance.
They can thus benefit from daily hygiene and nursing care, which can be supplemented by the intervention of a home care assistant, particularly for home maintenance and meal assistance.
Home care
Accredited by the Agence Régionale de Santé, the CCAS home care service supports people in the acts of daily living. Within the framework of paramedical care, the team carries out all the acts necessary to maintain the person at home, and facilitates their return after a hospital stay, thus helping to prevent dependency. It thus helps to prevent dependency.
Provided services:
- toilet and hygiene care,
- nursing (dressings, injections, blood pressure measurement, etc.),
- pedicure, etc.
This service is staffed by state-certified workers: a health executive, two nurses, 17 care assistants, a psychologist and an occupational therapist.
Home help
Agreed by the Conseil Départemental de l'Hérault, the CCAS home help service supports people benefiting from an assistance plan APA (Allocation Personnalisée d'Autonomie) or PCH (Prestation de Compensation du Handicap).
Provided services:
- preparation and assistance with lunch and evening meals,
- shopping,
- home maintenance,
- accompaniment to medical appointments.
This service is staffed by 6 homecare workers and a coordinator.
Enhanced home support via a Centre de Ressources Territorial (CRT)
Created in July 2024, Montpellier's Centre de Ressources Territorial (CRT) enables frail elderly people to live at home for as long as possible. Thanks to enhanced home support provided by CCAS de Montpellier, it offers an alternative to institutionalization.
Attached to the Pierre Laroque EHPAD of Montpellier's CCAS, the CRT comprises a multidisciplinary team: securing the environment, reinforced monitoring, support for crisis situations and continuity of the life project.
Reinforced home support is entirely paid for by the CRT. People benefiting from this care are referred by medical-social and social professionals, in particular the Hérault Coordination Support Unit (DAC 34).
A genuine resource center, the CRT also aims to support professionals working with the elderly, by offering training and coordination support, as well as caregivers.
EHPAD: housing that fosters social ties
The policy of keeping elderly people at home allows them to enter a nursing home later in life. In some cases, by choice or for medical reasons, residential entry is the most appropriate response.
For many years, the CCAS has been pursuing a strategy designed to modernize the practices of all its 7 résidences (EHPAD), whose mission is to house, accompany and support elderly people who are losing their independence. It offers them support from a multidisciplinary team.
Objective: that each person can benefit from the quality of life they have the right to expect.
Breaking isolation through culture

The challenge is to make culture accessible in establishments where people find it increasingly difficult to move around, yet have a vital need to open up to the outside world through art.
Creative games, memory or beauty workshops, singing, etc... Within the residences, activities are programmed throughout the week. Volunteer associations such as Blouses Roses, Petits Frères des Pauvres or VMEH (Visite des Malades dans les Établissements Hospitaliers) regularly take part.
The CCAS also multiplies partnerships with cultural players to ensure programming within the establishments and organize outings to various cultural structures.
Pass'Âge des arts: an intergenerational cultural third place in EHPAD
In June 2023, the CCAS created the Pass'Âge des Arts within the résidence Françoise Gauffier, a space for exhibitions, concerts and theater, where young and old alike can come and enjoy a variety of cultural events throughout the year.
Free and open to all, the third-party venue offers a varied quarterly program, drawing on various partnerships forged with neighboring structures (the Alain Savary leisure center, the Maison pour tous Michel Colucci, schools, etc.).).
Develop social interaction and open up residences to the neighborhood

Many projects are organized throughout the year to foster intergenerational links within the EHPAD and their openness to the neighborhood. Children from crèches, schools or leisure centers located near the establishments regularly take part in workshops with the residents.
Since 2018, the CCAS has also welcomed 15 students each year to share furnished staff apartments within 4 of its EHPAD. The principle is simple: in exchange for moderate rent, these young people devote 3 hours a week to volunteering for the benefit of the seniors housed on site.
This solidarity-based, intergenerational project has several objectives: to change the way people look at life in EHPAD, to combat precariousness and isolation, and to strengthen social ties to live better together, be better together and do better together.
The new housemates get to know the different trades working in these places, and share moments of conviviality with their elders. As for the elderly, it's an opportunity to talk about their experience and to benefit from the vitality and dynamism of the younger generation.
This approach is fully in line with the philosophy of Article 6 of the Charter of Rights and Freedoms of the Elderly Person in a Situation of Disability or Dependency: "Any elderly person in a situation of disability or dependency must be encouraged to maintain activities."