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Mission Grand Cœur: assistance with home renovation

In partnership with the State and the Agence nationale de l'habitat (ANAH), the Metropole has set up an Opération Programmée d'Amélioration de l'Habitat (OPAH) de Renouvellement Urbain (RU) scheme.

It enables homeowners and/or co-owners to benefit from free support and financial assistance to carry out work in their dwelling or in the common parts of their building.

Sectors concerned

  • Courreau,
  • Figuerolles,
  • Nord Ecusson,
  • Carnot.

Conditions of eligibility

Who are the owners?

  • Owners of a home completed at least 15 years ago;
  • Owners who occupy their home and whose income levels do not exceed a certain threshold;
  • Owners who rent or wish to rent a home;
  • Co-ownership associations for work on common areas.

What types of work?

  • Work to improve the home in terms of safety, comfort, energy savings, acoustic insulation, health, equipment, accessibility and adaptation for disabled people...
  • Work on common areas such as stairwell renovation, roof insulation, getting the co-ownership out of insalubrity.

To benefit from these aids

The Grand Coeur mission provides free support and advice to homeowners:

  • Information on financing, conditions for awarding subsidies, commitments to be met, tax provisions...
  • Feasibility pre-studies including:
    • visiting the building and dwelling,
    • proposing a program of work,
    • summary cost estimates,
    • possible rents,
    • simulated financing plans.
  • Support with the administrative preparation of grant application files.
  • Managing and monitoring files until grants are paid.

Please note:

  • Work must not begin before grant applications are submitted.
  • Invoices submitted after work has been completed must be paid and signed by the companies.

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