Risk of extreme cold
Winter in Montpellier is generally mild. Nevertheless, an exceptionally cold spell can have serious consequences, especially for the most vulnerable. It can also be accompanied by disruptions to traffic routes. In anticipation of such episodes, the City of Montpellier is reminding residents what they should do.
For forecast temperatures and vigilance levels, go to Vigilance Météo France

Adopt the right reflexes

Prepare yourself beforehand:
- Prepare water, food products that don't require cooking (risk of frozen pipes or power cuts) and medicines
- Prepare batteries to listen to the public authorities' instructions on the radio, even in the event of a power cut.
- Check that your heating systems are in good working order, don't block the air vents, and air out your home once a day.
If you absolutely must go out, redouble your precautions:
- Clothe yourself with several layers of clothing and cover especially the parts of your body that lose heat: head, neck, hands and feet.
- Cover your nose and mouth to breathe less cold air.
- Avoid going out in the evening, as it gets even colder.
- Wear good shoes to avoid falls on slippery ground.
- Eat properly and don't drink alcohol, as it doesn't warm up.
- Don't exert yourself physically, such as carrying heavy objects...
- Avoid taking babies out, even when well protected.
In case of hypothermia or frostbite:
It's important to recognize the warning signs of hypothermia (temperature below 35°C, drowsiness, fatigue, reduced muscle strength, shivering and shivering, loss of balance, clumsiness...) or frostbite (skin discoloration, appearance of whitish spots, sensation of pain or burning followed by numbness...) in a person exposed to extreme cold. There may be a significant, even fatal, risk to your health. Notify a doctor quickly or call 115.
The national cold weather system
Active until March 31, the departmental cold wave scheme defines the actions to be implemented to detect, prevent and limit the health and social effects linked to winter temperatures, paying particular attention to vulnerable populations.
Measures are implemented according to 3 levels of vigilance:
- Level 1 is activated when the temperature (degrees Celsius) is positive during the day, but between zero and -5°C at night.
- Level 2 is set up by prefectures when the temperature is negative during the day and between -5°C and -10°C at night.
- Level 3, the maximum threshold, corresponds to "extreme" cold, when the temperature is negative during the day and below -10°C at night.