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Individual welcome

For parents looking for individual childcare, the city of Montpellier offers several formulas: in family crèches, with independent childcare assistants, in Maisons d'assistantes maternelles.

These individual childcare arrangements adapt to families' needs, with regular or occasional care, for their child up to the age of 6.

Family day-care centers or "Services d'Accueil Familial

These are structures that employ nursery assistants. In Montpellier, they are run by the city, associations or public bodies. Children are cared for in the home of a maternal assistant approved by the Conseil départemental. Nursery assistants attached to the Service d'Accueil Familial benefit from reinforced supervision (childcare director, early childhood educator, etc.).

Children cared for in the family day-care service benefit from group time and care.

Parents sign their care contract directly with the manager. The parent is not the employer of the childminder, no contract, no money relationship.

Home visits are regularly carried out to ensure the quality of care for the young child, support the childminders in their practices and ensure that the accommodation remains secure.

The cost to the family is lower than a collective crèche.

This is a solution halfway between a collective crèche and care by an independent childminder.

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Independent childminders to look after your child at home

Authorized by the Conseil départemental, they can take in up to 4 children simultaneously in their own homes. They are directly employed by the parents on the basis of a childcare contract. The latter can benefit from financial assistance paid by the Caf.

Maisons d'Assistant(e)s Maternelles (MAM) (Nursery Assistants' Houses)

MAMs bring together accredited independent childminders on the same premises, different from their own homes.

The childminders' home is approved by the PMI (Protection maternelle et infantile). Children are placed under the responsibility of their childminder, although it is possible to delegate the care of a child to other childminders in the Maison d'Assistantes Maternelles if the parents authorize it.

Parents are solely the employers of the childminder with whom they have signed a contract.

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Relais Petite Enfance (early childhood centers) to inform and support families

Managed by the City and co-financed by the Caf and the Conseil départemental, the 8 Relais Petite Enfance are run by a qualified early childhood coordinator who informs and supports families looking for an independent childminder.

Les Relais Petite Enfance are also places for exchanges and meetings, offering educational workshops, early-learning and socialization time for children looked after by childminders.

Silver Cross

635 Rue Jacques Bounin 34070 Montpellier
Voir la fiche

Val de Croze

Place de Chine 34070 Montpellier
Voir la fiche

Other types of care

Childcare in the family home

These are people who look after one or more children in the parents' home (possibility of shared care between families to reduce costs). This type of care allows the child to remain in the family environment.

Home-based childcare:

  • You can either become an employer or use an agent company
  • You can also use a service provider company

In both cases, you will benefit from the home-based childcare allowance (Prestation d'Accueil du Jeune Enfant scheme) and a tax reduction of 50% of the sums incurred. Approved associations also provide occasional childcare: school and nursery outings, sick children, tutoring (payment by Chèque Emploi Service Universel possible)

Home-based employee:

For domestic employees working more than 8 h a week or 4 weeks a year, a written contract is mandatory and payment can be made by service voucher.

"Pléiades services" answers your questions at: 04 67 54 05 40

Baby-sitting services

To meet your child's occasional care needs, associations offer baby-sitting services:

  • Emploi temporaire étudiant

Crous Montpellier
2 rue Monteil
Tél. 04 67 41 50 33

  • A Domicile Hérault

130 impasse Jean-Bruller
Tél. 04 67 92 84 01

Carte des établissements d'accueil de la Petite Enfance

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