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Other waste

Some waste has specific treatment and recovery channels and is not handled by the Metropole's public household waste management service.

For some, medicines for example, it is necessary to take them back to where you bought the product:

  • Electrical and electronic equipment
  • Do-it-yourself and garden thermal items
  • Sports and leisure items
  • Tires: drop off at a professional
  • Gas bottles: drop off at an outlet that distributes the bottle brand
  • Furniture, games and toys, DIY and garden items and other household items
  • Expired or unused medicines: drop off at any pharmacy. Identify collected medicines from uncollected health products
  • Chemical waste: DIY products (paints, coatings, glues, acids, solvents etc.), vehicle maintenance (coolant), gardening (insecticides, biocides, phytosanitary products etc.)
  • Construction waste

Batteries: take them to the Batribox!

The Metropole of Montpellier has signed a partnership with Screlec to deploy "Batriboxes", new collection points to recover portable batteries.

Where to find Batriboxes?

Discover also

Managing business waste

Businesses, retailers and craftsmen: all the tools you need to manage waste from economic activities.

Déchèteries/ points propreté

Les points propreté sont des déchèteries aménagées et gardiennées où l'on peut se débarrasser de toutes sortes de déchets. La carte Pass Métropole est indispensable pour accéder aux points propreté.

Waste: my procedures

Whether you're moving in, needing a bin that's out of service or needing a larger capacity bin (family of 4 or more), you can make your request by telephone on 0 800 88 11 77 or online via our single form: